About Us

BKS LTD, which started its operations in 2013. ŞTİ., with its 26 years of experience and knowledge, Antilsan A.Ş. and Şahin BİÇEN, a 25-year Agricultural Engineer, opened a new window to the agricultural sector. Within the scope of biotechnical control, BKS produces yellow and blue card type sticky traps, strip type traps, delta type traps used for the purpose of observing and controlling harmful insects and special traps used in different areas. It is engaged in the wholesale and retail sale of UV light fly traps for food production and sales places, home environments and workplaces for flying insects.

With its high-tech infrastructure and high production capacity, it aims to meet the demands of local and foreign markets by increasing its product quality above world standards. Our company, which has been taking firm steps towards its goals since its establishment, has exported 70% of its total production to more than 45 countries and succeeded in transporting its products to many countries.
As a result of its worldwide success, the shares of Antilsan A.Ş. were sold to German IVOC and BIOBEST companies in 2018 and became BKS A.Ş. continues to serve.
For this reason, it will continue to be with you, our associates, and add strength to its R&D studies by following new developments both in the country and abroad.
For a livable world, BKS adopts a production model in which natural balance is preserved with an understanding that supports sustainable agriculture, prioritizes food safety, human and environmental health.